Senior Portraits with Lily and the Shoes

May 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


It used to be way back in the dark ages when I was in high school, that when you made an appointment to get your senior portraits done, that you went to the studio (pre-selected by the school), put on a cap and gown got a very typical picture taken. Next, your portrait was taken wearing in whatever you showed up in that day. Two looks- that's it!  Looking at my High School yearbook, there was not much difference between my "Senior Portraits" and the plain dumb school pictures taken by everyone else.

Well senior portraits have come a long way since then.  Lily got a late start on portraits and when we first sat down to discuss what she wanted, she had some very specific shots she wanted.  In addition to a magazine cover girl look, she wanted to show off her competitive side, and her playful side, but more than anything, there was a particular shot she wanted to get.  

Lily wrote letters to the women who had influenced her the most throughout her life. She asked if they would lend her a pair of their shoes so that she could honor them and what they meant to her, by taking a photograph that suggested she had big shoes to fill.  Each woman received a personalized note telling them what it was about them that inspired her.

Think of what makes you, you.  Are there people that have inspired you in your lifetime that you may want to remember in some way? What about the things you are most passionate about?  The sky's the limit!




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